Sell Avon
Joining Avon has changed my life for the better!
I have found so much joy in owning my own business and getting to know my team members! Everyone has their own story and reason “why” they wanted to join Avon. Being able to “BE MY OWN BOSS” and run my business “MY” way is something I love to do, therefore, I choose when I want a raise and have the opportunities to go to Avon events, win free luxury trips, earn recognition rewards, and create many new and lasting friendships! The Avon opportunity came into my families life and we have been blessed from it!
I had no idea!
When I decided to sell Avon I had no idea the sisterhood that would encircle me. After signing up to sell Avon and join the Avon family countless doors opened, therefore many networking opportunities have arose! I have direct contact with so many outstanding leaders and mentors who have shown me how to move my business forward! They sincerely care about my well being and want me to find success in my Avon business in the way that is satisfying to me. I love sharing my love for Avon and you may have sensed that through the service I offer to my Avon customers.
Share what you love!
You know when you have found your new favorite restaurant or mothering blog you want to share it with everyone you know! This is how I feel about Avon! I have found a passion in what I do and I want to share the wonderful, life changing, opportunity with you! Not everyone who decides to start selling Avon wants to earn an extra income. Some join Avon to get the amazing discount, others may want a purpose in their life again. Whatever it may be, don’t let the opportunity to change your life for the better pass you by! Let TODAY BE THE DAY you take the leap of faith and give yourself the freedom you deserve!!
How to join Avon?
Signing up to sell Avon is simple, follow these 3 basic steps to a better future!
- Visit www.startavon.com
- Enter Reference Code: KKARPOWITZ
- Fill out the online contract and choose your preferred starter kit
CONGRATS, you’re an Avon Representative!
What’s in the Avon Starter Kits?
Avon Representative Earnings Chart
As an Avon rep you earn a great percentage on everything you sell, see the chart below. You can also increase your commission as you move up to the President’s Recognition Program Level($10,000 of sales in a year).
Avon Earnings Level
As an Avon representatives, your earnings percentage is based on your total campaign sales, the product categories ordered and your sales achievement level, and this includes orders from your online store as well as YourAvon.com orders submitted by you.
What Earns What?
You’ll receive variable earnings, as shown in the chart on Beauty, Jewelry and Espira products, and fixed earnings on Fashion and Home products, which are marked with the Variable Earnings Symbol symbol — 25% for members of the President’s Recognition Program and 20% for all other Representatives.
All products — plus demos, exclusive Representative offers, samples, sales tools and brochures — count toward your Earnings Level and your credit limit. Starter Kits and recruiting tools do not count.
Avon Representative Presidents Recognition Earnings Chart
For an Avon representative to join the presidents recognition club they need to sell $10,000 in a full cycle (26 campaigns).
Avon Representative Demo and Rebates Chart
Avon representatives are able to get products in advance to show off to our customers with demo offers in What’s New each campaign at special prices!! Earn an extra rebate when you achieve a President’s Recognition Program level or place an order of $440 or more.
Demos are available to order two campaigns before those products hit the brochure.
Demo prices in What’s New reflect a 40% discount from the Avon brochure prices for most products. Your exact demo discount depends on your achievement title as well as your order size.
President’s Recognition Program members are guaranteed a 40% discount on all demos, except fixed-earnings items (marked with a Variable Earnings Symbol symbol), which are discounted by 30% for PRP members and 25% for all Contenders (Representatives who have not yet reached President’s Club).
Demo Rebate
Qualify for a rebate by achieving a President’s Recognition Program level or placing an order of $440 or more.
Demo Limit
Order demos up to the limit for your level: McConnell Club and Above: 15; Rose Circle: 10; Honor Society: 5; President’s Club: 3; Contender: 1. You can mix and match sizes, colors and varieties.
Exclusive Representative Offers
Order unlimited quantities of key products at a reduced cost to maximize earnings. The “Your Cost” prices in What’s New count toward Award Sales and Earnings Level, and are used to calculate Leadership Bonus/Earnings when purchased by a member of your downline team and her order is paid in full.
Can you really make money selling Avon?
Yes! Yes you can! See for yourself below! Avon offers two ways to sell, you can sell face-to-face or online. I prefer sellingAvon online as Avon gives all their representatives a FREE online store to sell from! You are just responsible to promote it and Avon takes care of the rest. I love the freedom selling Avon online gives my and my family. I can work my Avon business in the evening when all the kids are in bed and the housework is done, while I am watching netflix of course.
When customers order online, Avon takes care of processing the payment and shipping the Avon products to them. This makes it easier on me as an Avon representative and I still make the same commission as I would selling face-to-face! If you are wondering if selling Avon online is possible, see the image of my online orders below.

- To Sell Avon visit www.startavon.com
- Enter Reference Code: KKARPOWITZ
- Fill out the online contract, choose your preferred starter kit, and CONGRATS, you’re an Avon Representative!
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Email: beautywithkimk@gmail.com